This is a deeply personal journey that you can take on your own time, when the time is right. We are going to work on becoming aware and changing how you THINK and FEEL in relation to yourself. We are going to make sure that you will develop a habit of LOVING yourself, instead of leaving yourself behind in condemnation and guilt.
This course is all about GENTLENESS and CLARITY.
I invite you to slow down for 2 minutes and take in the moving picture:
I’m a deep believer in SOFT and MEANINGFUL, RELAXING and REAL. My courses are not for people who are looking for a quick fix, but for those, who are looking for a lasting change.
Feeling alone, separate and misunderstood
I am deeply convinced that lack of love, and specifically, people failing to love themselves, is the main reason for most relationship problems.
When we start to expect love from others but do not offer it to ourselves, things go… sideways. Loving yourself does not mean constant inner praise and self-importance. It simply means being honest and supportive with yourself. Only then can we be genuinely supportive and honest with others. When we are connected within, we can also connect to others. All else is a form of self-deception: we are playing a role instead of Being Loving!
Feeling like a failure: hopeless, helpless and powerless.
Loving yourself results in RESPONSIBILITY. When we allow love to take over, we start taking responsibility for the way things play out in our lives. And we start to take responsibility for creating change. Loving yourself results in you taking care of your body, your financial situation, your hobbies, your home, your children/partner/animals and other relationships. But these are all the RESULTS of loving yourself. Because it all starts inside you, as an inner process, a willingness to never leave yourself behind, even when things don’t go as planned.
Feeling like you are not enough and you are simply exhausted!
Loving yourself results in SELF WORTH. When our self-worth is low, we can do crazy things, like spending a lot of money on stuff we can’t actually afford or compulsively eating the things our body is not actually asking for. But Self Worth means not settling for anything that doesn’t feel wonderful in any given relationship or situation. It’s not about getting your nails done or speaking up for yourself, not about expensive travels or spa treatments. It is simply about putting all the social conditioning and automatic thoughts aside, staying true to yourself and finding out what “wonderful” means TO YOU in each moment and then moving towards it. Allowing wonder in. It’s not about fighting and not about giving up. It’s about accepting what is and then allowing the wonderful. It is an art. It’s a skill, and it takes time to learn.
One month and 3 modules for gathering yourself together and expanding in love.
+ optional individual Breathsessions for an even deeper experience.
Each module consists of 2 videos containing theory and practical exercises and 1 audio a creative meditation.
Theory: Moving from beating yourself up and bringing yourself down into supportive, gentle and loving care. We will explore your MIND and MINDSET and move towards a mindFLOW.
Process & Practice: We will learn to recognise self-critical and destructive thought-patterns and transform this cycle into supportive, compassionate and consciously chosen Love! Your mind will get new assignments that it will simply love as they will feel natural and fitting!
Creative meditation: The Library - Clearing your mind and getting back your authority and focus!
Theory: We will acquire a new and deeply intimate view on the Body. We will move gently through Love and and learn: how does my body speak to me, and how can I learn to listen? What does loving my body truly mean, and how do I go about it?
Process & Practice: We will learn to forgive (a process of giving conscious touch), release tensions and move with our bodies.
Creative meditation: The Paintbrush - Taking a real and practical step toward a new relationship with your physical body through a fun and creative guided meditation. There’s nothing serious here, we are just becoming embodied artists!
Bonus! A fun body-sense game!
Theory: There are many ways how separation-mindset can take form in your life. We will look at those ways, how they hurt you and we will find a way out, into connection, love and freedom.
Process & Practice: I will share 3 meaningful and simple practices that will speak to you and can support you through your days. I will also share an important exercise to stop following your automatic patterns, but expand your awareness in everyday life and live in wholeness!
Healing meditation: Transforming uncomfortable feelings, emotions and sensations in your Heart. This is the most creative practice that works miracles and is the perfect blend of modern psychology and ancient alchemy, received from the Source.
Important: This is going to be a simple yet profound journey within, and I’m right there with You. Every step of the way. I keep things personal and my people supported. Therefore, although you can take this course without the personal consultation and a breathwork session in the beginning, I highly recommend you at least contact me: share your experiences and hardships, questions and solutions! Okay? Okay. I Love you!
A few feedbacks on Source Process & Breathwork and therapeutic support:
“This kind of breathwork was a new experience for me. I didn’t believe I could solve problems or change my mood through breathing. I always felt heavy before the zoom, but when we started to breathe, I experienced the most extraordinary things! I didn’t know that colours like an “embracing pink of the clouds” or an “intense neon green” even exist in this world! It’s something very difficult to describe. I always felt light and easy after the session and often also physically hungry like a baby after birth. I think about repeating this course and continuing with private sessions because the only regret I have, is that I didn’t participate in all of the meetings! This course was indeed something else, something special. A class on its own!
Thank you for this experience!”
“Meeting you was extremely relieving! The light feeling afterwards was just so-so-so gooood! I can’t even bring it to words...”
Yes, this is for me. Let’s get started!
Note that this is a self-inquiry program. It doesn’t mean that my energy is not guiding or supporting you, but in case you would like a deeper tailor made experience with more connection and support and a true feeling of “we are doing this together” there is an option of buying either 1 or 3 online breathwork sessions with me as a bundle with this course. Please read more about the Source Process and Breathwork to understand this possibility before opting in or out.
Either way, working with you is an honour and a delight.
As of January 2023, ALL IIDALA SERVICES AND COURSES RUN ON “PAY WHAT YOU CAN” BASIS. Before proceeding, please read carefully how this works.
To take this course, you can simply click on the button that will take you to the payment page, where you can choose your price. I’m a real person and not everything on this page is automated yet, so after the payment, simply send me an e-mail letting me know that you have bought this course and I will give you the access in 48 hours. The course is set on thinkific platform and is very easy to follow. For private breathsessions, include them in your initial price or buy them separately, either way, please contact me directly, and we will schedule suitable times. Depending on the amount of clients I have or personal circumstances, I might suggest a private session or a shared session with 1-2 other people. Please let me know if you prefer to only work one-on-one. (Breathsessions take place in your own home through zoom).
You will have full access to the course for as long as I offer it, but at least for 3 months since the purchase.
When it’s the first time for you to work with me, and you are not sure if this is for you, we can always have a 15 minute chat to see if we are a good fit.
Okay, time to dive in!