Make your life a moving prayer.

A Sanctuary for Parents and Wild Souls.


And so you will realise that everything, with no exclusions, is part of the dance…

“I felt so light, so very light with you! The feeling I had inside me later was just so-so cosy! Oh, I can’t even describe this…”

— Lille, mother of 3

The deep work.

  • Talk & Heal

    While you allow yourself to share in an atmosphere of stillness and true listening, new perspectives will begin to emerge. New perspectives bring new practices, new solutions, and a new life.

  • Breathwork

    One conscious breath. You are safe. You are surrounded by love and support. Source Process and Breathwork will take you on a journey through deep healing into the natural lightness of being.

  • Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

    Your body and your whole energy system are always working in the best way currently possible for you. To experience something beyond, to allow more lightness, ease and flow, you have to allow change to happen in the body and the system.

“The changes are taking place at lightspeed! It is truly a very-very intense change…

— Gerda, mother of 2, IT specialist


A World Beyond Mindfulness

“When you are used to losing energy when taking action and feeling tired after doing something is second nature to you, you have been living in an illusion of being a vessel of energy that can run out of power.”

Find your true resources…

The Digital Universe:

  • Journal

    Allow the written word to lift you up and expand the horizon. Learn more about the practical nondual way of living and thinking.

  • Meditations

    Freedom is your birthright.

  • Videos

    NonDualPath Youtube channel for spontaneous inspiration and insight.

  • It was such a joy and pleasure to hear you, see you and be part of your energy! There was a lot of food for thought to unpack and unfold in me.

    Lotta, musician and teacher

  • "Hi Ida, I just read your newsletter, and... It really touched me. It was spot on about my current life choices."

    Heloona, doula and caregiver

  • Thank you so much for the letter that you just sent! The warmest greeting to you and yours!

    Triinu, therapist, mother of 3

  • Hi Ida! I just read your letter and felt such love inside me and towards you and thought about letting you know! Thank you!

    Siiri, massage therapist

  • Your letter brought tears in my eyes!

    Kalli, dancer and teacher

Group Experiences

  • Creative Motherhood

    A journey from burnout and stress into joy and connection for Women in Motherhood. Your children grow up in the atmosphere of You. Let's make it magical.

  • Events & Retreats

    Would you like to meet in Real Life, in a refreshing, creative, and healing group setting? I hold a regular Breathwork group in Sligo, Ireland and am often part of different events in Estonia, Ireland and UK. See what feels good and come join.

“Very original, something totally unique. The most amazing course I’ve ever taken.”

— Anna-Liisa, teacher, mother of 2

Learn more about the nondual path and my own personal journey:

“I loved the atmosphere and the feeling as if everything you shared was somehow directly tuned to fit me.”

— Erica

Get In Touch.

Ask a question, book a session or just say hi!

I live in Ireland & Estonia and work internationally.