Stepping out of FOMO
Fomo (the fear of missing out) is a form of underlying anxiety that accompanies most people in nowadays social times.
Most of us, even when we don’t openly admit so, are influenced by other people’s success, travel pictures, new job opportunities or gatherings and not always in a good way. We might feel, deep down, that we have somehow less. We experience less. Our life is less important, less interesting. Or we are somehow excluded from the good things. Everybody is having fun! Except me…
As I said, it can be very subtle. And only when it’s finally gone might you realise that you had it. This is something that happened to me around FOMO. Spiritual and personal development is sometimes like a bun in the oven. Some inner releases and processes are not ready until they are. It is as if they are downloading or rendering for a while, and then they are complete in an instant.
I was sitting behind my computer, uploading a video for my Nondual Parenting Community, and I was idly going through my friend’s travel pictures on Instagram. And suddenly, I felt a fundamental SHIFT inside me. A feeling of stable peace clicked in place. I didn’t have to adjust my thinking, my mind, my feelings or emotions to not feel the fomo on travelling, gatherings, or sunshiny places. It was gone. I was entirely at peace.
And suddenly, I knew…
That there are things that I will always be involved in until I die. And I made a list of those things of utter certainty.
My life will always involve:
Interesting people
Nature and nature connections
Abundant resources
Me supporting and advising someone
Beautiful design
And that was it. I read through this list. And allowed each word to fully resonate in my body, in my system. I felt it. The truth in it. This is my essence, my core. I will experience more than this, of course. There might or might not be adventures in all kinds of fields. But these are the things I’m 100% certain of. This is me. These are the things that will always be part of my life.
And this is already MORE than enough. My life is abundant, simple and clear. And I am here to serve.
Hi! I’m IIDALA, aka Iida-Leena Materasu, and I’m a professional therapist, writer, spiritual guide, mother, woman, and human being, who has walked the path of healing for more than 20 years. I facilitate breathwork and nondual healing groups, offer courses, subscription programs, and silent nature hikes as well as receive clients one-on-one live and via zoom. To book a session or get more info on NONDUAL courses or programs, feel free to explore the website or contact me directly.