I work individually or in small groups. The fastest way to know if I have spots available in my schedule or ask all your questions is to write to me or book a zoomcall.

We will look into the areas that are most challenging for you and your own personal story and together, we will find out what’s the best way forward for you.

  • “I’ve never ever been so present in myself before! It’s only second or third week, and I already feel such peace and confidence in myself. Super powerful practices!”

    Kersti (mother of 2, investor)

  • “Ida’s responses to my questions have been incredibly valuable. But what’s even more meaningful to me is the reassurance that I’m not alone. Knowing that there is someone who truly understands, is present and sees me in wholeness, has made a world of difference in how I navigate through everything. Her loving presence throughout my struggles has meant the world to me! One thing that sets Ida apart is that she never makes me feel wrong or judge the experiences I share with her, no matter what they may be. Instead, she provides unwavering support, guidance and assistance in making better choices. For that, I am profoundly grateful. Thank you for helping me to learn to trust and allow. I’ve come to realise that healing can be both painful and beautiful at the same time.”

    Anna Lisa (mother of 2, teacher)

  • “I felt such relief!!!”

    Merike (mother of 2, youth worker)

  • “I’m way more present and alive in my life and connected to what I really want! Some things just magically move into right alignment.”

    Esther (mother of 1, musician)

  • “I breathe in and it doesn’t feel heavy anymore! I have gained enough footing and balance to return to work with motivation and joy. Everything Ida says comes through with such warmth and gentleness, and with 100% presence!”

    Margot (mother of 1, therapist)

  • “A huge shift - a great weight has left me! I feel good!”

    Kaisa (sah mother of 2)

  • “I got sooo many answers! It was truly powerful!”

    Karin (mother of 1, physiotherapist)

  • “It is remarkable that I am in my own home, in my own bedroom and I actually have time for myself! And that it is possible! I can hear my family and I am with myself and focusing and they are fine and they can manage well!”

    Katlyn (mother of 4, social work professional)

  • “Give Ida a chance! When I came to her, I was half-blind, burned out and in a codependent relationship that was eating away all my energy. Ida’s presence/breath in my life connects isolated realizations into trust towards life, creating expansiveness and unity. She is down-to-earth and present, and that is her uniqueness among the self-development figures. What she brings in is trust in one's wholeness, not on an incomprehensible level reaching great heights, but today, here and now. Heights are a byproduct, not the goal. But oh my god how my life as changed, both on practical and metaphysical level! I create with relaxation and ease, I see and sense energies like never before and I choose my children and their wellbeing before all else with confidence!”

    Inga (mother of 5, engineer, eco-builder)

  • “It was so easy to be centred in my inner peace atmosphere, even when an emotional tornado surrounded me from the outside. It was the first time for me to experience my family in alignment! Thank you, Ida, for this GIFT!”

    Heloona (mother of 1, social work professional)

  • “I feel that I want to put some words to my gratitude! I’ve been off anti-depressants for a week now, and some issues come up, BUT generally speaking, I’m in the best shape of my life regarding mental health! This success has 3 pillars for me: my AD pills that helped me stop the downfall; Ida’s 5-month long nondual LIFE and self-development (officially parenting) course and my psychologist. I didn’t even dare to hope to live this feel-good life again! Even when the foundations get shaky again, I now have the experience - I KNOW how it feels to flow with full power!”

    Janeli (mother of 2, Special Ed. teacher)

  • “Ida gave me confidence to embrace my humanness. To raise my children and embrace our human experience together, and to trust nature to do the rest. In 30 minutes I was transformed into a more present parent, and in no time I was experiencing powerful glimmers of connection with my family!”

    Susan (mother of 2)

  • “I have so much energy! And my husband returned to eat with us, is present, and our relationship is better than ever. I also feel more confident, balanced and self-assured as a teacher of special needs kids at school.”

    Karin M (mother of 1, teacher)