Accepting your individual path

There is no polarity in individuating.

On Spirit level, we are all the same and one.

On the Soul level, we are individuals. This individualisation continues to the level of the Mind and to the level of the Body.

The paradox of “we are all the same and same (energetic) “laws” apply to everyone” is that the “sameness” IS the individualisation: we are all the same in the fact that we are all individual and our systems and lives respond to that individuality. Our bigger purpose is also the same. The individual expressions of that purpose are, well, individual. And this also means that we all have an individual PATH.

When people first start to open up to energetic work and senses (don’t get me wrong, these people can be very experienced in other areas), the first mistake they make is almost always either one of those 2:

  1. Confusing polarity based ideas with ancient non-dual wisdom and True North. (And here we can even see people who have worked with energies for 20 or more years still stuck… spiritual ego is tricky like that. But I’ve never met anyone on spiritual path, who hasn’t struggled with this confusion, one way or another, me included. )

  2. Thinking that what works for you on the soul-mind-body level, is the right path for everyone else too. They start to “open up” to energy in an aware way and start receiving direct communication, but they don’t differentiate yet a) what is the source of this info and why do I receive it; b) is it right and meant just for me or for everyone. So they channel the info OUT almost immediately, not understanding the levels of healing in THEM that this info came to offer.

The thing with this kind of info is…it’s not always (very often) the Truth-Truth, like an overall “this is going to happen” or “this is how it is” truth. Most often it’s “what you need to know or hear right now to move forward on your individual path and see some patterns in yourself, that you have not seen yet”. And most often, it’s not “the bigger picture” either, but, well, as I said, individual piece of a puzzle for THIS PARTICULAR PERSON in this particular space and time moment.

Let’s look at an example: Mary has an issue with her spleen. She receives a specific plant or a healing modality that would help her. It fits her 100% and will help and heal her. —-> Mary gets healed and starts preaching this healing in a “THIS is what you need to do” manner. People who hear Mary speaking of this will try it out. For some of them, it might work, it might be compatible…around 80..90%. That’s really good already. For some of them, it helps a little bit and for some of them, it doesn’t work. Either there is no compatibility, it is not needed for them or they need something totally else according to their individual path etc. That’s okay. Mary was helpful towards some people and that’s already very good. But the trouble is when Mary gets very convinced that she has found THE ONE AND ONLY cure and truth (and that happens A LOT, on every level and on every topic..just look at the “you should/should not be vaccinated” issue, for example. People are convinced, they are not open to accepting the individual path of each person or they accept it in an “okay, don't get vaccinated and you will see I was right sooner or later” or “okay, get vaccinated and you will see I was right sooner or later” kind of way, which is simply a misunderstanding. No. There is no ONE CORRECT WAY for greater expansion, freedom and happiness in each individual and both paths are equal. In fact, all of the paths are equal as long as they are a good fit and they help to relax this particular individual. And what might relax you in one moment, might not relax you in the next moment, and that is also okay.)

Now. When a lot of people who are new to receiving info and sensing wider or are stuck in polarity in their understanding start acting like Mary in my example, we have a society that is totally broken and split and in conflict. We get a lot of people who get even more confused or who get non-compatible advice and run around in circles. And we get A LOT of judgements and a lot of people who fight for being “right”.

And our society will run around in circles until we start accepting and embracing our own individuality and the individuality of others. Yes, it’s about medical freedom (freedom doesn’t mean choosing sides, but the inner freedom to choose whatever in every moment without an inner or outer judgement, be it “homoeopathic” “allopathic” “vaccine” “non-vaccine” and not seeing ANY of those choices as wrong, etc). Yes, it’s about educational freedom (allowing children, together with the ones who care for them, to sense and choose their own educational paths, be it unschooling, democratic education, Montessori or something else). Yes, it’s about spiritual evolution (not going around in FB/world and saying that “I (and only I and those who agree with me) sense the higher energies and this is the answer to your question”). Yes, it’s about diets and food (when you have a direct communication clear with your body about what you need to eat or what system to follow, super! Learn from it then, that it’s different in every moment and understand that this means that “the right thing to eat” is also different for everyone else in each moment and you do not possess the ultimate truth). Truly, I could go on forever. It’s truly about everything. Not everybody should invest. Not everybody should travel. Not everybody should initiate, create and practice aware manifestation.

The secret of a good puzzle is that every piece is different and that’s why they fit together and form a beautiful picture. So, please, every time you understand what is good for you while you look at your own individual piece of a puzzle, do not claim to see “the bigger picture”, just apply your own knowledge and be happy. This happiness is contagious and allows other people to find their happiness too!

And feel free to accept and embrace your individual path, even if it’s totally different from the expectations you’ve created for yourself or taken on from the surrounding society. When you sense that something, some way of life or a focus area, is good for you, fits you well - trust that feeling! And be open to learning and changing, exchanging and integrating!

Paraphrasing Tad Hargrave: “Just remember, a square would be a very clunky circle. When you are a square, be a square! Just allow yourself to explore it deeper, so you may become a cube!”

Hi! I’m IIDALA, aka Iida-Leena Materasu, and I’m a professional therapist, writer, spiritual guide, mother, woman, and human being, who has walked the path of healing for more than 20 years. I facilitate breathwork and nondual healing groups, offer courses, subscription programs, and silent nature hikes as well as receive clients one-on-one live and via zoom. To book a session or get more info on NONDUAL courses or programs, feel free to explore the website or contact me directly.

Dear One, feel free to send me a letter and connect! I’d love to hear what you think, and if you have any questions!


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