You can’t do anything, or be anyone

“You can be anything you want to be” is one misconception I find to be sometimes more hurtful than helpful. In fact, I find it misleading. In fact, it should have a follow up: “…but you can’t want to be anything.”

Let’s dive a little deeper.

We are all magnificent, powerful light-beings born with a mission, purpose, and very specific innate skills, potentials and challenges. We are all unique and different. The carefully chosen environments we are born into embark us on our own individual journeys, and our interests, needs and indeed, wants, ideally, all sprout from that purposeful space in us.

It is not a discussion about fate or choice; in fact, it is these two united as one. Your fate IS your choice and receiving that is the greatest ecstasy and empowerment one can feel in this body.

One of the biggest liberations in my life has come from accepting who I am, what I am meant to do, where I am meant to be at any given moment in time, and not chasing after dreams that were not made for me… and not just dreams, but also the ways we live life. Not everybody is meant to or can do life the same way. I can’t, and I am not supposed to eat the same thing in the morning as you do, or do the same practices, or sing the same songs… I am not meant to network the same way or communicate the same way as you. But I am meant to do all those things as fully me! And THIS is always the first step on any mission: find out who you are and become more and more YOU.

So let’s change the “you can be or do anything” into: you can do anything you are called to do, you can be anyone you are meant to be, you can shift and change and make new decisions when you simply follow your guidance, and this is where it is leading you. You are free - and you are meant to be connected to your divine mission.

One thing that I have discovered, following my own inner compass, is that it takes me on far greater journeys and experiences than my little mind would imagine. But it only does so - if I stick to my own personal character, dedicate myself to following my personal guidance and path, and stop banging on doors that are closed shut or swimming in misery of “bad circumstances”.

I hope it helps! <3

Hi! I’m IIDALA aka Iida-Leena Materasu ,and I’m a professional therapist, writer, spiritual mentor, mother, woman, and human being, who has walked the path of healing for more than 20 years. I facilitate breathwork and nondual healing groups, offer courses, subscription programs, and silent nature hikes as well as receive clients one-on-one live and via zoom. To book a session or get more info on NONDUAL courses or programs, feel free to explore the website or contact me directly.


There is no right or wrong way to do life


Nature loves your children (and you)