For every thing, there is a season

It is a great art to recognise the seasons in your own life, in your own relationships, and let go of the old when the time is ripe. Every season speaks to the human heart in different ways and has its own grip on our psyche, its own lesson, its own power…

We get easily attached to the spring, the newness of things — new beginnings, new people, new fragrances, new senses, new sights and new opportunities. Yes, more, please, spring, bring me more, and never end! So we stop things from evolving, from growing, and eventually, from blossoming. We step away from the challenges and healing at the core of those experiences. And we try to hold on to the precious innocent newborn phase of life until it slips away and we are left with just a memory and our own illusionary fears. We have skipped the summer in fear of winter. In our pursuit to make spring a permanent state, we have not allowed ourselves to grow.

And such as easily, we can hold on to the summer. We’ve allowed our relationships to grow and mature, and the fruit is ripe. But we won’t let it fall; we turn our heads away from seeing the leaves turn grey. We are afraid that if we let go, we might lose it all, and we resist the transformation, the inevitable course of things. We are so scared of the void, the freefall, afraid to break the bonds, not knowing if new ones will ever be formed… We forget that there is the stem and the roots, and nothing meaningful and strong can never be broken but only transformed.

And we might fall in love with the fall. The letting go. The never allowing anything to become precious or important. We walk through life with an underlying sorrow, an unhealed heart that allows everything to fall through and holds nothing dear. We allow so much transformation that nothing can truly take from anymore. We care so much in the depths of our hearts that we have forbidden ourselves to care at all. Why bother when all is, in the end, temporary? If nothing lasts, why allow it in at all? We reject and let go before anything or anyone can leave and let go of us.

And then comes the winter. The stagnant yet beautiful state of affairs. The stability, the slow snowflakes, and deep rhythms. Every step we take in winter leaves a mark in the snow. It’s visible and trustworthy; everybody knows it’s there, and nothing is “in the air”. And nothing really moves much. It’s not supposed to; it’s meant for deep rest and relaxation. It’s a vital part of the cycle. And as much as we are afraid of it, many of us also hold on to it. We can get stuck in stagnation. We might not allow the snow to melt and new beginnings to take over. We might get so attached to the rhythms of winter that we almost become one with this serene scenery, until the birds, who have returned from the south with new stories and warm winds, start knocking on our windows until the glass breaks, everything chatters…and we are forced into a new spring, whether we want it or not.

For every thing, there is a season. The neverland does not exist. The timeless eternity, the nondual dimension, the true safety can only fully enter your life if you allow life through with everything it brings along.

Hi! I’m IIDALA, aka Iida-Leena Materasu, and I’m a professional therapist, writer, spiritual guide, mother, woman, and human being, who has walked the path of healing for more than 20 years. I facilitate breathwork and nondual healing groups, offer courses, subscription programs, and silent nature hikes as well as receive clients one-on-one live and via zoom. To book a session or get more info on NONDUAL courses or programs, feel free to explore the website or contact me directly.


I allow you to love me…


Love is a free software