Moving beyond war

Note: This was written before the war in Ukraine though many other physical wars were happening even then, all over the world. I wholeheartedly believe some circumstances call for a very real “no, this is not how we do this”. In all this, my heart goes out to every child who has ever grown up in an environment lacking love and respect in the history of human existence. This is where it begins. There are millions of people worldwide calling for love in very brutal or heartbreaking ways. I can step into it, feel it all, and fall into deep despair, depression, and cry for days. And eventually, become one of them, become a human being, calling for help. I know because I’ve been there. Or I can root myself in the ocean of love, be where I’m at, listen to what is needed, and start sharing love while allowing love also to take the form of saying “no” when needed.

There are two levels of existence and perception: relative and absolute. From the relative perspective and level, war exists, and suffering is real. From the absolute, there is only energy, a game of light, everlasting souls, unharmed and safe. While we have to acknowledge and empathise with the relative, it is not the perception that heals. So, after we have seen it all, heard it all, and acknowledged all the pain and suffering, we have to move our attention and being to the absolute and start sharing infinite love without inner suffering. This is the only way to stop the cycle. To create something different. And to heal.

I remember sitting in my car in front of my parents' house. I did not want to go in.

Why? Because I was tired of protecting myself, emotionally, shielding and trying to navigate conversations away from thin ice. I was tired of conflicts. I brought attention back to my own body. I was scanning and relaxing. And suddenly, I realised: how can I not expect a fight when I go in with my defences and armours fully erected? If I put my defence up, then this is exactly what I am expecting and therefore creating!

I let go. I allowed myself to take it all in and allow it through me. I decided to create something different. A relation. A communication. Helpfulness and love. I allowed myself to integrate that "It is safe. No one is here to get me. I am love. They are love. And this is the level from which we are going to communicate and relate from."

And so it began. My first fully aware visit to my parents' with my kids. It was filled with simple things, connections and ease.

As physical beings, we are predominantly living in a dual mindset. When we are not aware of the illusionary nature of this mindset, we take it with us, even when we turn "spiritual" in our ways and thoughts. I have noticed, mostly through the experiences of my clients but also through my own very transformational and groundbreaking experiences when I was still new to all this, that there is a whole skene of people who call themselves the "warriors of the light" and talk about creating protection against "dark forces", purifying spaces and people etc. In truth, it is simply a confusion. Confusing the illusion with reality. We do have to honour our fears as long as we have them, but it is helpful to have some roots in the truth while at it. Honouring your fears while believing the threat to be real and honouring your fears while deeply knowing that it's just an illusion are two very different set-points. In the end, all spiritual work is simply erasing something that has never existed. The paradox.

Another side of it comes out when people start talking about emotions as villains and insist on getting rid of them instead of accepting, observing, welcoming and transforming.

Or when you try to look at a current reality of a situation simply and clearly, for example, your personal financial situation (roots deeply in the calm and vast ocean of reality) and they call this "lack consciousness" and "you are only to think abundant thoughts, mkay?" Ok. What if I don't? What if I accept myself as Pure Light who turns everything she touches into gold? What if I want to open the door of my cupboard of illusions and see what is and what is not inside there, instead of rendering my thoughts as "dangerous and not to be thought"?

It really reminds me of Harry Potter and his reluctance to call Voldemort anything else but Voldemort. Really. In order to change something, I have to shine the light on it, call it by its name, see it, and acknowledge it first. And you can't do that if you turn some topics or views or words or thoughts or states of being into "persona non-gratas". All. Is. Allowed. Because all is love or a (sometimes an extreme) call for love. There are no villains.

It is not about lack or abundance, it is about the reality of limitlessness and the spontaneous suitability of whatever is. The mission of a Light Being is to allow the spirit to materialise and the matter to become enlightened. It is to turn duality into non-duality, into One.

So. I do not fight duality, I do not go against it, and I am certainly not afraid of it or make my decisions based on it. I simply accept it and ignore it simultaneously. I focus on what is real. I focus on love.

It comes down to how you define yourself: who do you believe yourself to be? When you see yourself as a warrior, you simultaneously create war and solidify the dual mindset. You see yourself as one side of a coin: defence-offence; control-abandonment; lack-abundance; screaming-whispering… etc. Every coin always has two sides, and when you focus on one side, you will, naturally, make the other side more real too. It must be emphasised, though, that what I'm talking about here are the inner states of a being and the basis of the action, not how it looks on the outside. There is a time and place for very real defence, a very real setting of limits, a very real and strong "no, that's not the way to go." And it can come from inner empowerment, from knowing who you are. This too, can stem from the presence, from accepting the situation in front of you.

A great example of this is my most recent client, who said that after her other "therapist" told her to "work on raising her vibration", she has been experiencing more and more "attacks" upon herself from the outside.

Now, a person in a totally dual mindset might conclude that "yes, they are here to get you, they have noticed your light, and they want to take you down".

But dear one. THIS is just a wound you carry. This is a non-real belief about this universe that you hold, and this has NOTHING to do with the reality of who you are, who God is, and how this whole thing works.

You are a humble, untouchable, and all-mighty Being of Light. And the quality of everything you create is dependent upon your ability to know and embody your being every single second.

Welcome to duty. All is done. Life is simple like that. I can relax more in my body because I don't fear future events, and I have gotten out of the alarm position.

Hi! I’m IIDALA, aka Iida-Leena Materasu, and I’m a professional therapist, writer, spiritual guide, mother, woman, and human being, who has walked the path of healing for more than 20 years. I facilitate breathwork and nondual healing groups, offer courses, subscription programs, and silent nature hikes as well as receive clients one-on-one live and via zoom. To book a session or get more info on NONDUAL courses or programs, feel free to explore the website or contact me directly.


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