Living your dream life

When I say I’m living the life of my dreams, I do not mean that everything is settled, played out, and manifested. I don’t even mean that everything is the way I want it to be. I also don’t mean that all my dreams have come true or that I’m suddenly enlightened 24/7.

What I mean, is that I feel the movement. I feel the flow. I feel how life is carrying me forward and how absolutely surrenderingly (yes, that is a word now) good it feels.

My life has changed in the past 3 months in greater ways than during the past 4 years I think. And on the outside, nothing really shows. Technically, we are still doing the same work we do in the world, living in the same spot and we don’t even have any new animals or kids. But nothing…NOTHING is the same. No second is the same as the last one. I’m living in the constant flow, in a presence far deeper and consuming and GIVING than I have ever felt before. My body is trembling with life and excitement and sensations… different dimensions of being translate into my system every waking hour and nothing…nothing is the same.

No, I don’t have a better focus or I don’t get things done extremely effectively, I don’t have new routines and i have not pushed for anything. I don’t even have perfect health or a big sum of money in my bank account. I have simply surrendered to my dreams, I’ve given up fighting, I’ve allowed myself to love, totally, and in return, I feel IN LOVE, all …the…time!

It feels like my heart is whispering poetry 24/7 and I’m in awe, listening and smiling, not even thinking about answering or rushing into action or doing anything really that doesn’t call to be done.

So this is what living in bliss feels like. This is what it means to be alive. This is what happens when you actually, truly, give up. I am not the same person I was yesterday nor am i the same person i was 2 seconds ago. My heart is calling me into worlds I didn’t even think I wanted to be part of.

So this is how it feels to live without guilt. To live without judgment. To smile and enjoy your every obsession and to allow yourself to fully take everything in in presence, allowing it all just…wash through you.

I’m so completely, utterly, fully in love. Alive. In bliss.

Sometimes we forget that all it takes is just to show up without any agenda, sense into stuff, and trust. That’s it. That is all it takes.

Hi! I’m IIDALA, aka Iida-Leena Materasu, and I’m a professional therapist, writer, spiritual guide, mother, woman, and human being, who has walked the path of healing for more than 20 years. I facilitate breathwork and nondual healing groups, offer courses, subscription programs, and silent nature hikes as well as receive clients one-on-one live and via zoom. To book a session or get more info on NONDUAL courses or programs, feel free to explore the website or contact me directly.


Moving beyond war


I’m a submarine. Come with me. (A little bit about anxiety)