How to overcome daily anxiety?

It can be real subtle. And it can be in your face, but one of the leading causes of everyday anxiety is our desire to ensure our own sense of security by constantly trying to understand everything.

Our mind continually seeks connections and logic, causes and effects—a certain artificial order—because otherwise the world seems too unpredictable and dangerous. This begins at the basic level of filtering: "This is a table. This is a chair. This is my bottle."

This apparent understanding creates a false clarity, allowing us to stretch our legs and feel somewhat safer for a while.

Until we start searching for objects of obsession for our fields of meaning: flowers, cards, people, "signs," causes, and core causes, and the ultimate core causes.

Why does he act that way? Why did this happen to me? What does this mean now? How do I solve this situation? What is the cause of this? etc.

Questions are not wrong. When we are asking, it is better than being in a state of inertia. Yet, one can get trapped in the questions too. This happens when a part of us is always looking for blame. “Where did it go WRONG? Who did WRONG? Did I do WRONG? What did he do WRONG? What is the cause of this WRONG situation?” I do not just see a flower; I see the need to water it, guilt for not watering it, a reason why I forgot, worry about overwatering, and a fleeting thought about whether it has enough light or if I have placed it WRONG.

The thought that "I have a pimple on my face, but I haven't done anything wrong" seems unfathomable.

Yet, it is precisely here that freedom lies.

Freedom is in trusting that everything is as it should be. People come into our lives, and then these people leave our lives. Exactly at the right time and in the right way. We are also part of this, but not the wrong part; we are the part that allows the situation to unfold optimally for the growth of all parties involved.

If a flower has drooping leaves, nothing is wrong. A flower's leaves are supposed to droop when it needs water. There is nothing wrong with the flower needing water. No one is to blame. It is nature. The fact that you sometimes notice it and sometimes don’t is also nature. If you want to notice it more often or less often, you need to change...nature.

The nature within you is how your cellular system operates. Your epigenetics. Your system's patterns, which manifest through feelings, emotions, reactions, choices, sensations.

You can change this if you want, but you don't have to, and certainly not from the standpoint of "there is something wrong with me."

Let’s take just one day and acknowledge that everything about me is RIGHT. Everything in my life is RIGHT. Everything in my bank account is RIGHT. Everything in my body is RIGHT. Everything about my choices is RIGHT. Everything about my flower is RIGHT.

One day.

And then see what begins to happen in your life through the interplay of natural forces. :)

Hi! I’m IIDALA aka Iida-Leena Materasu, and I’m a professional therapist, writer, spiritual mentor, mother, woman, and human being, who has walked the path of healing for more than 20 years. I facilitate breathwork and nondual healing groups, offer courses, subscription programs, and silent nature walks as well as receive clients one-on-one live and via zoom. I’m based in North-West Ireland, but work internationally. To book a session or get more info on NONDUAL courses or programs, feel free to explore the website or contact me directly.


Let’s talk about toxic positivity…


All people are transformers