We all have a shadow-self - or do we?

woman standing on a balcony

I was lying in my bed, breathing. 6 am. And this came through.

The shadows only appear when the light is present.

Inside the everyday mind, between the dishes and the dashes, it is hard to see our own shadows. They only show us their results: conflicts, misunderstandings, one kid hitting the other, and the disconnection from our partner. And we might even conclude that it has nothing to do with us. We are perfect. The perfect darkness. Nothing is seen.

We need questions and inquiries and quiet settings to bring out the real workings of our minds, the real shadows in us that create this holy mess.

But to sit down and observe, with a pen’n’paper or without one, is to bring in the light. To bring in the observer, the One who is not intertwined with the drama itself is to light an ember. It is to give Ourselves a real chance to see ourselves. The Greater observing the tangles we have accumulated in our cells.

Sometimes, when I introduce the technique to seeing the world judgement and label-free, and my loves do the practice for the first time, they point out: I started to see the shadows and the patterns. They mean in the physical. The shadow of a tree or a branch against the road, a shadow of a lamp against the ceiling and the patterns of tapestry, of skin, of the books on the shelves.

But in the very same way, when we lose the judgement and the labels and cast some light of our pure expanded attention, we start to see the shadows and the patterns of our own mind.

Now, to lose the shadows and step out of the shadow patterns, we can follow nature. When the light increases and expands, when it is not pointed anymore but expanded, all-encompassing - this is when the shadows disappear. The darkness subsides when the Light takes over.

You are the Light. Your shadow nature can only take over when you are not present. As soon as you come in, you start to see. And when you start to see and still bring in more light, expand the presence, allow it to flow, and not focus on the shadows you can now see, they start to disappear. Attention on the light - the light expands. Attention on the shadows - the shadows might convince you they are important and real. But shadows are never real. They are illusions of darkness. Drama-queens, not real Queens. Don’t make them the royals of your life. Don’t allow them to guide your thoughts and actions.

Observe. Set aside. Expand the light. And you will start to see your Real Child and not the shadows, your Real You and not the patterns, your Real Partner and not his shortcomings. And this is where the real fun begins. (:

Drinking tea

Hi! I’m IIDALA aka Iida-Leena Materasu ,and I’m a professional therapist, writer, spiritual guide, mother, woman, and human being, who has walked the path of healing for more than 20 years. I facilitate breathwork and nondual healing groups, offer courses, subscription programs, and silent nature hikes as well as receive clients one-on-one live and via zoom. To book a session or get more info on NONDUAL courses or programs, feel free to explore the website or contact me directly.



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