Personal touch (and rejections)
People who can't take "no" for an answer build highway tunnels through mountains or give up altogether. I like to follow the secret mountain path on foot or up on a horse, camp through the night and admire the starlight. When we hear a "no" and keep on going with simple changes, twists and bends, and keep on climbing and walking, we get a quality journey. We get wisdom way more precious than any speedway could ever give us.
I allow you to love me…
So. I can allow you to Love me. Without falling apart over the ways you see fit. Without getting caught up in your Love, without getting caught up in your fear.
For every thing, there is a season
It is a great art to recognise the seasons in your own life, in your own relationships, and let go of the old when the time is ripe. Every season speaks to the human heart in different ways and has its own grip on our psyche, its own lesson, its own power…
Love is a free software
To imagine that for some people, there has been such scarcity of love in life that they think that the only way to get love is to take it. Forcefully. Only to discover that this kind of taking will only bring them more misery.
If only they’d know… if only they’d know that Love is a free, open-source software.
Moving beyond frustration
It was late, and I decided to go to bed. I woke up with anxiety. And made a clear decision: I want to step out of the automatic programs of my mind and body. Frustration leads nowhere. I also received a “message” that a solution would emerge in an unexpected way.
I let you go
It is totally safe to Be In Love. It is totally safe to connect with people. With plants. With birds. It is safe to love, care, and admire.
The thing is. This state is not always at the forefront of our experience. I sometimes spend months in Love, and then, slowly, almost invisibly, I drift away. But once you’ve “been there”, you can’t be away for very long. Cause nothing compares.
The weight of building your life
I recognise that there is a more supportive perspective we can take on life than taking on the weight that we have to "build it up" or placing this weight unknowingly on someone else's shoulders.
Moving beyond war
I let go. I allowed myself to take it all in and allow it through me. I decided to create something different. A relation. A communication. Helpfulness and love. I allowed myself to integrate that “It is safe. No one is here to get me. I am love. They are love. And this is the level from which we are going to communicate and relate from.”
Living your dream life
When I say I’m living the life of my dreams, I do not mean that everything is settled, played out, and manifested. I don’t even mean that everything is the way I want it to be. I also don’t mean that all my dreams have come true or that I’m suddenly enlightened 24/7.
What I mean, is that I feel the movement. I feel the flow. I feel how life is carrying me forward and how absolutely surrenderingly (yes, that is a word now) good it feels.
I’m a submarine. Come with me. (A little bit about anxiety)
Sometimes it feels essential to surround myself with people, who sense the deep ocean and understand the deep ocean, who don’t spend their time and communications on the surface level of nitty-gritty-fighty-flighty. To communicate on all levels, to feel received on all dimensions, is… soul-feedingly-amazing. It’s good.
How can I find meaning in my life?
People try to think about their life and start to feel the empty void: the meaninglessness of everything, the unimportance of a temporary existence.
They try to figure out how to add meaning: what kind of work to do? How to serve others? What do I enjoy?
Accepting your individual path
The paradox of “we are all the same and same (energetic) “laws” apply to everyone” is that the “sameness” IS the individualisation: we are all the same in the fact that we are all individual and our systems and lives respond to that individuality.
What happens outside of the frames?
Every time we place ourselves in a frame, we cut off the most magnificent part of ourselves. It’s like the bowl haircut from the 90s - even, but totally not unique.
Filling the happiness cup? I don't have this kind of cup. I'm an ocean who confuses herself with a raindrop once in a while.
Allowing yourself to be a human
This is for you, spiritual perfectionists, high-standards holders and self-judgers. The path is in front of you, it’s inviting and simple, it just takes this one little thing…
The inner willingness
Now behind this first door…there might be a closet (dead end!), or someone else’s bedroom (“oh, pardon, I’m leaving..”) or a disco party (“can’t hear a thing! I think that’s not it!”), but there will also be a door that will open and you will feel like… “Aah, exactly what I was looking for!”
Stuck with explaining yourself?
The moment I realised that, up high on that hill, with each and every one of my cells, and not just my mind, I was suddenly totally free! And it was suddenly so easy to love…everyone!